Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Faster Appraisals, Online Ordering & Some Helpful Hints.

If you worked with appraisers ten years ago, you know how much technology has changed since then. What you might not realize is that there have been many developments in technology and e-commerce that have improved turnaround times on appraisal assignments. We're taking advantage of them. Are you taking advantage of every opportunity you have to speed up the process? Here are some suggestions.

1. Are you ordering appraisals online? With online ordering, you can recieve automatic e-mail acknowledgements that the assignment was received, and fast, secure .PDF format report delivery. It's the single biggest time saver available to both of us! We don't have to retype information from a fax, and you don't have to wonder whether we received the order.

2. Are you providing complete and accurate information about the subject property? There's nothing like being one number off on the street address to add unnecessary time to an appraisal assignment. And if you have a tax parcel number, plat map number, subdivision name or anything else that uniquely identifies the property

3. Are you letting us know up front any details about the property that might make it unique? . What takes time is analyzing how unique features contribute to or detract from what otherwise would be a property's market value. Let us know up front when you order your report if there are unique features of the home or surrounding area — for example, it's had a recent addition put on, it's subject to zoning restrictions, it's prone to flooding.

4. Are you making the occupants of the home aware of what to expect? One of the most time consuming parts of the appraisal process is setting an appointment with the occupants of the home. Some homeowners are understandably uncomfortable with the fact a stranger wants to come in their house and look around and make notes. Some think they have to make the place spotless before the appraiser comes by, thinking that will make the house appraise higher. So they put off the appointment until they can get around to cleaning. Encourage them to call us if they want to familiarize themselves with our staff and services. And tell them it's in their interest to set the appointment as quickly as possible!

5. Are you using our website as a resource to keep track of your report's status? Phone and fax tag are a thing of the past with up to the minute status updates available online, anytime, 24/7. As each important milestone in an assignment is completed, that information is available to you online. It's never been easier and faster to keep track of your report's status.

Bennett Appraisals Provides residential appraisal services to the following areas:

Bellingham, Birch Bay, Blaine, Custer, Ferndale, Fairhaven, Geneva, Silver Beach, Sudden Valley, Sumas, Acme, Anacortes, Alger, Arlington, Bow, Burlington, Cain Lakes, Conway, Concrete, Darrington, Deming, Edison, Emerald Lakes, Edmonds, Everett, Everson, Glacier, Granite Falls, Hamilton, Kendall, Laurence, La Conner, Lake Stevens, Lynden, Lyman, Lynnwood, Maple Falls, Marblemount, Marysville, McMurray, Monroe, Mount Baker, Mount Vernon, Mulkilteo, Rockport, Samish Island, Sedro Woolley, Snohomish, Stanwood,Van Zandt, and all of Whatcom, Skagit & Snohomish Counties. * Time permitted we also serve Point Roberts, via the Canadian Border.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Bennett Appraisals Providing Residential Appraisal Services For Attorneys

Attorneys and Accountants rely on our values when calculating real property values for estates, divorces, or other disputes requiring a value being placed on real property. We understand their needs and are used to dealing with all parties involved. We provide appraisal reports that meet the requirements of the courts and various agencies.

Estate Appraisals

Settling an estate usually requires an appraisal to establish Fair Market Value for the residential property involved. Often, the date of death differs from the date the appraisal is requested. We are familiar with the procedures and requirements necessary to perform a retroactive appraisal with an effective date and Fair Market Value estimate matching the date of death. The ethics provision within the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) binds us with confidentiality, ensuring the fullest degree of discretion.

Divorce Appraisals

As an attorney handling a divorce, your needs oftentimes include an appraisal to establish fair market value for the residential real estate involved. Often the divorce date differs from the date you order the appraisal. We are familiar with the procedures and requirements necessary to perform a retroactive appraisal with an effective date and Fair Market Value estimate matching the date of divorce. The ethics provision within the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) binds us with confidentiality, ensuring the fullest degree of discretion.


For a property in foreclosure, you may need to know the difference between fair market value and "quick disposition" value, to know your potential charge-off liability. At Bennett Appraisals, we have experience in both providing snapshots of fair market value for our mortgage lending and servicing clients as well as "quick sale" forecasts that understand your timeline.
For a list of all our servicies for attorneys go to:

Interesting Video on Mortgage Guidelines & How They Affect Everyone.

Check out this link to a very interesting video. Dan Green who puts together the website has put together a very helpful and basic video presentation explaining how mortgage guidelines can affect everyone in the real estate industry as well as anyone who has a mortgage. It explains in very common terms (stick figure drawings!) what is happening in the mortgage industry today. Interesting stuff for those of us in the real estate industry!
Link to video:

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bennett Appraisals Adds New Certified Residential Appraiser To Staff

Bennett Appraisals Gets A New Certified Residential Appraiser (edit/delete)
Merrick passes Washington Certified Residential Appraiser exam
Chantale Merrick of Bennett Appraisals passed the Washington Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser Exam. She had to complete over 2500 hours of on-site appraisal experience and 200 hours of appraisal education before she was permitted to take the rigorous examination. A state certified residential appraiser can appraise one to four residential unit properties without regard to value or complexity.

Interesting Online presentation, WA Energy Star

If you live in washington and you are interested in energy efficient homes there is a website that you might find very interesting. Energy Star homes are designed, built and performance tested to offer enhanced comfort, healthier indoor air, energy savings and peace of mind. These homes are as much as 30% more efficient than homes simply built to code standards, making them some of the most energy efficient homes on the market today.
Homes that earn the Enegy Star qualification must meet guidelines for energy efficiency set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Energy Star Washington Home Tour:
US Environmental Agency Energy Star Brochure:

Bennett Appraisals provides residential appraisal services to the following areas: Bellingham, Birch Bay, Blaine, Custer, Ferndale, Fairhaven, Geneva, Silver Beach, Sudden Valley, Sumas, Acme, Anacortes, Alger, Arlington, Bow, Burlington, Cain Lakes, Conway, Concrete, Darrington, Deming, Edison, Emerald Lakes, Edmonds, Everett, Everson, Glacier, Granite Falls, Hamilton, Kendall, Laurence, La Conner, Lake Stevens, Lynden, Lyman, Lynnwood, Maple Falls, Marblemount, Marysville, McMurray, Monroe, Mount Baker, Mount Vernon, Mulkilteo, Rockport, Samish Island, Sedro Woolley, Snohomish, Stanwood,Van Zandt, and all of Whatcom, Skagit & Snohomish Counties. * Time permitted we also serve Point Roberts

Recycling What You Cannot Use A Great Idea

A few counties in Washington state are participating in a program that recycles items that are too good to throw away. This is an excellent idea unfortunately not all of Washington's counties are participating ( good on ya, participating Counties!).
Per website info: " is Washington's online exchange for reusable building materials and household items. The objective of the site is to facilitate the recycling and repurposing of materials and items that would otherwise be disposed at Washington state landfills and waste to energy facilities, in addition to promoting an important environmental ethic."
This is a website where you can place an add to look for or get rid of a perfectly good item many things are free or set at very reasonable prices. No illegal materials. No hazardous materials. Buyer beware. Check out this website:

Bennett Appraisals provides residential appraisal service to the following areas: Bellingham, Birch Bay, Blaine, Custer, Ferndale, Fairhaven, Geneva, Silver Beach, Sudden Valley, Sumas, Acme, Anacortes, Alger, Arlington, Bow, Burlington, Cain Lakes, Conway, Concrete, Darrington, Deming, Edison, Emerald Lakes, Edmonds, Everett, Everson, Glacier, Granite Falls, Hamilton, Kendall, Laurence, La Conner, Lake Stevens, Lynden, Lyman, Lynnwood, Maple Falls, Marblemount, Marysville, McMurray, Monroe, Mount Baker, Mount Vernon, Mulkilteo, Rockport, Samish Island, Sedro Woolley, Snohomish, Stanwood,Van Zandt, and all of Whatcom, Skagit & Snohomish Counties. * Time permitted we also serve Point Roberts

Green Building & Valuation

There has been very little information and or training in the field of "Green Home" valuation and things are starting to change! In Vancouver BC this year an international conference was held on building sustainablity and its effect on valuation. While this pertains primarily to commercial buildings it would hard to imagine that this movement would not funnel down to all aspect of building including residential.
According to the Vancouver Valuation Accord's Website: "The Vancouver Valuation Accord is a response to the evolving importance of sustainability and the need for its implications to be understood in valuations and appraisals. It is a commitment to review sustainability and valuation, including education, standards and practices, with the aim of improving understanding of their relationship. The Accord will be developed and managed through this web site"
If you are interested in all of the aspects of Green Building check out:

Bennett Appraisals provides residential appraisal services to the following areas: Bellingham, Birch Bay, Blaine, Custer, Ferndale, Fairhaven, Geneva, Silver Beach, Sudden Valley, Sumas, Acme, Anacortes, Alger, Arlington, Bow, Burlington, Cain Lakes, Conway, Concrete, Darrington, Deming, Edison, Emerald Lakes, Edmonds, Everett, Everson, Glacier, Granite Falls, Hamilton, Kendall, Laurence, La Conner, Lake Stevens, Lynden, Lyman, Lynnwood, Maple Falls, Marblemount, Marysville, McMurray, Monroe, Mount Baker, Mount Vernon, Mulkilteo, Rockport, Samish Island, Sedro Woolley, Snohomish, Stanwood,Van Zandt, and all of Whatcom, Skagit & Snohomish Counties. * Time permitted we also serve Point Roberts
City of Mount Vernon's Historic Downtown & Waterfront Redevelopment plan
The City of Mount Vernon WA has started a redevelopment plan for its historic downtown & riverfront area. One of the main goals of this re-development plan is to provide the city's downtown area with 100 year flood protection. Flooding probability has been a big barrier to the investment and business sector in the downtown area in the past. Here is the the latest power point presentation outlining the master plan:

For the webpage on City of Mount Vernon's Historic Downtown & Waterfront Redevelopment plan go to:

Bennett Appraisals provides residential appraisal services to the following areas: Bellingham, Birch Bay, Blaine, Custer, Ferndale, Fairhaven, Geneva, Silver Beach, Sudden Valley, Sumas, Acme, Anacortes, Alger, Arlington, Bow, Burlington, Cain Lakes, Conway, Concrete, Darrington, Deming, Edison, Emerald Lakes, Edmonds, Everett, Everson, Glacier, Granite Falls, Hamilton, Kendall, Laurence, La Conner, Lake Stevens, Lynden, Lyman, Lynnwood, Maple Falls, Marblemount, Marysville, McMurray, Monroe, Mount Baker, Mount Vernon, Mulkilteo, Rockport, Samish Island, Sedro Woolley, Snohomish, Stanwood,Van Zandt, and all of Whatcom, Skagit & Snohomish Counties. * Time permitted we also serve Point Roberts

City of Bellingham; Research Your Home's Past

Via the City of Bellingham's wonderful (new edition) website; the Whatcom museum of History & Art has put out a four page pdf on how to research the history of your historic home. It shows you where to look to get the pertinent information and it mentions some of the publications that may be handy to your Bellingham specific search ex. R. L. Polk Bellingham City Directories, which date back to the late 1890s and, list the names and occupations of Bellingham residents.
Whatcom Museum of History & Art Tracing the Past Owners of Your Home PDF:

For the Whatcom Museum of History & Art Photo Archive Info:

Bennett Appraisals provides residential appraisal service to the following areas: Bellingham, Birch Bay, Blaine, Custer, Ferndale, Fairhaven, Geneva, Silver Beach, Sudden Valley, Sumas, Acme, Anacortes, Alger, Arlington, Bow, Burlington, Cain Lakes, Conway, Concrete, Darrington, Deming, Edison, Emerald Lakes, Edmonds, Everett, Everson, Glacier, Granite Falls, Hamilton, Kendall, Laurence, La Conner, Lake Stevens, Lynden, Lyman, Lynnwood, Maple Falls, Marblemount, Marysville, McMurray, Monroe, Mount Baker, Mount Vernon, Mulkilteo, Rockport, Samish Island, Sedro Woolley, Snohomish, Stanwood,Van Zandt, and all of Whatcom, Skagit & Snohomish Counties. * Time permitted we also serve Point Roberts

Point Roberts, WA Unique In Its Isolation & Beauty

Point Roberts, Whatcom County WA, is an approximately 5-square-mile area located twenty miles south of Vancouver, British Columbia. What makes it unique is that it shares an international border with Tsawwassen, a southern suburb of Vancouver BC. The geographic isolation of Point Roberts from the rest of the United States is the result of a 19th century boundary dispute between the United States and Great Britain. The dispute was finally resolved with a 1846 Treaty, which established the 49th parallel as the international boundary on the western North American mainland. To reach Point Roberts by land from the main body of Washington State first requires driving twenty-three miles from Blaine, Washington across southwestern British Columbia. The trip to Point Roberts requires the customs formalities of passing through two international borders! Thank goodness for Nexus!
Point Roberts Interesting Links

Per the Whatcom County Website; "Point Roberts is a unique area of Whatcom County because of its relatively small size, its mixed development character, its relative isolation, and the constraints on normal growth patterns caused by the international border. This geographic isolation from the remainder of Whatcom County complicates the direct application of other zone districts within Title 20"

See Pdf:

For Point Roberts Residential Appraisal call Bennett Appraisals 360-746-0224

Foreclosure REO Appraisals in Whatcom, Skagit & Snohomish Counties

Foreclosure/REO appraisal

Homes in foreclosure and homes that have reverted to your institution's ownership present special appraisal challenges. At Bennett Appraisals, we're more than ready and able to help.
For a property in foreclosure, you may need to know the difference between fair market value and "quick disposition" value, to know your potential charge-off liability. At Bennett Appraisals, we have experience in both providing snapshots of fair market value for our mortgage lending and servicing clients as well as "quick sale" forecasts that understand your timeline.
Owners of property in foreclosure, of course, present special challenges. They may be unwilling to allow an inspection of the property. If they have abandoned the property already, they may have neglected care of the home for some time -- or worse, caused damage. We have the experience and training to deal with the special dynamics of a foreclosure appraisal, and you should not hesitate to rely on us.

For a property that has already reverted to Real Estate Owned, you likewise will be interested in a quick disposition. But you may want to know and compare three values: As-is, as repaired, and "quick sale." These represent the value of the property without any work done to it, with the work required to make the property marketable to full market value commensurate with competing properties in the area, and, somewhere in-between, with minimal investment in repairs -- selling the property quickly, probably as a "fixer-upper." Again, we understand your timeline and the unique circumstances of an REO property, as well as the special information you'll need -- competing listings, market trends, and the like.

Please browse our website to learn more about our qualifications, expertise and services offered:

Bennett Appraisals serves the following areas: Bellingham, Birch Bay, Blaine, Custer, Ferndale, Fairhaven, Geneva, Silver Beach, Sudden Valley, Sumas, Acme, Anacortes, Alger, Arlington, Bow, Burlington, Cain Lakes, Conway, Concrete, Darrington, Deming, Edison, Emerald Lakes, Edmonds, Everett, Everson, Glacier, Granite Falls, Hamilton, Kendall, Laurence, La Conner, Lake Stevens, Lynden, Lyman, Lynnwood, Maple Falls, Marblemount, Marysville, McMurray, Monroe, Mount Baker, Mount Vernon, Mulkilteo, Rockport, Samish Island, Sedro Woolley, Snohomish, Stanwood,Van Zandt, and all of Whatcom, Skagit & Snohomish Counties. * Time permitted we also serve Point Roberts.

Homeowner Appraisal Services in Whatcom, Skagit & Snohomish Counties

Homeowner Appraisal Services

Homeowners need appraisals or appraisal reviews for a variety of reasons, including a mortgage refinance, home equity loans, Pre-listing services, and PMI removal. When you order an appraisal or review from us, you can rest assured that you will get the best in professional service, courtesy, and quality.

Refinance / Home Equity
Be sure that you request us if your lender asks you for YOUR choice of appraisal firms. More than likely we are already on their "approved list", and if not we will quickly provide your lender with the necessary documentation to become approved.

For-Sale-By-Owner (FSBO) / Pre-Listing Services
It's very hard to be objective about your own home because of your emotional attachment to it. A Professional Appraiser is objective and will tell you what you need to know, not just what you want to hear. In addition to helping you set a realistic selling price so your home will attract buyers, a professional appraisal is very valuable as a negotiating tool once you have a potential buyer. It gives you something concrete to show your buyer. It's an independent third party's opinion of your home's value, and not just you saying how much your home is worth. Potential buyers know you have an emotional attachment to your home and will be far more likely to give credibility to a professional appraiser's value opinion than yours.

PMI Removal Appraisals
A popular money saver for homeowners in the last few years is to get the PMI removed from their mortgage loan, thus saving them money on their monthly payments. PMI stands for "Private Mortgage Insurance". Once your mortgage loan amount is down below 80% of the value of your home, in most cases you can apply to the lender to have the PMI removed from your loan, which will make your monthly payments go down. We are experienced in helping folks just like you rid themselves of unneeded and unwanted PMI insurance.

Field and Desktop Appraisal Review Services
Have you just received a copy of your appraisal and youd like to have a professional "double-check" it for accuracy or do you need a second opinion without the expense and delay of waiting for a whole new appraisal?

Appraisal Field Reviews: Well check your appraisal for accuracy and provide exterior "field inspections" of the subject and comparable properties for maximum appraisal certainty. Perfect for any situation demanding a second opinion on value.

Appraisal Desk Reviews: In a hurry and just want to "double-check" the facts? Well use our extensive Internet research capabilities and office files to deliver reviews with the highest degree of precision in the industry.

Bennett Appraisals provides residential appraisal services to the following areas: Bellingham, Birch Bay, Blaine, Custer, Ferndale, Fairhaven, Geneva, Silver Beach, Sudden Valley, Sumas, Acme, Anacortes, Alger, Arlington, Bow, Burlington, Cain Lakes, Conway, Concrete, Darrington, Deming, Edison, Emerald Lakes, Edmonds, Everett, Everson, Glacier, Granite Falls, Hamilton, Kendall, Laurence, La Conner, Lake Stevens, Lynden, Lyman, Lynnwood, Maple Falls, Marblemount, Marysville, McMurray, Monroe, Mount Baker, Mount Vernon, Mulkilteo, Rockport, Samish Island, Sedro Woolley, Snohomish, Stanwood,Van Zandt, and all of Whatcom, Skagit & Snohomish Counties. * Time permitted we also serve Point Roberts and certain areas of Island County.